This is my first post here, but I have been lurking for a long time and have learnt a lot from all your interesting Posts.
What I would be interested in finding out are what kinds of trucks/cars etc that were in use in a British tank battalion at the end of the War? Also how many were there?
I guess some of them are already in your Soft skin data section.
Welcome aboard, Richard! I can't help with your question, but I do have a question for you - are you the 'R Simmie' who drew the excellent scale drawings of the A7V-U in Tankette 20/3 many moons ago?
Yes that was me....and I have noticed that it has been copied without my name in several books/magazines since. Whilst getting info to do that drawing I also saw some profiles of the K-wagen. It is quite different than the drawings commonly seen and modelled. I hope to get a basic drawing done soon the show this.
Yes, that looks like my drawing that was published in Tankette. You can see in the plan view that the centre line is not exactly centered over the rear of the tank, my drawing mistake way back in the 1980's. I am happy if you simply put my name to it. My little claim to fame in the big wide world. :)
I have not ventured into any more drawings since, as I find I tend to take too long over them and then lose interest. I have a book project on at the moment that I have to finish before I start on the K-Wagen general arrangement drawing...hopefully in the next few weeks, if the weather is not too hot here!