I am looking for information on the La Buire semi-trailer used by the French. Photos would be appreciated, and I no this may be a stretch, but any drawings would be awesome.
I have recently published an article about the US Knox 4x2 tractor in French service and the La Buire trailer. This trailer was initially designed to carry the Schneider CD 3 artillery caterpillar, but was used eventually for transporting tanks (a Schneider CA - quite heavy for the purpose - and more usually a Renault FT). The trailer could be towed by the Knox tractor, forming (to my knowlegde) the first semi-trailer tank transporter ever used, or as a normal trailer with front wheels, behind a Renault EG or Latil TAR 4x4 heavy artillery tractors.
My article includes no plans or sketches unfortunately (I do not have any), but some photographs, certainly of interest to you.
This article was published in the French magazine GBM (Histoire de Guerre, Blindés & Matériel) # 85, three months ago. It is readily available. In French, sorry.
I do not wish to make any advertising here, I gave you the link by mail yesterday about another linked subject.