the informations i got where from a book from Franz Kosar. I am very interested to know where you got the opposite facts !!! For the first i take an instant look in Hans Linnenkohls : From singleshot to firewalz . It will take some days cause i am very busy by the time.
Best regards
Steel can be helpful - you have only to bring it into the "right form "
Even in Kosar's "Taschenbuch der Artillerie" (1973) it's designated an M-1885, not M-1895. Try to get yourself a copy of "Les canons de la victoire 1914-1918" by Pierre Touzin and François Vauvillier. I also wrote a piece, in French, on the the de Bange series of artillery pieces for Dominique LeMaire's "Les canons de la deuxième guerre mondiale" at