Quite a nice site on early tracklayers and tractors. Quite a lot of ordinary tractors, but also a number of tracklayers contemporaneous with Holt and Bullock. Makes include Centiped (sic), Leavitt, Trundaar, Leader, Bear, and Yuba.
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
Those are very interesting, Ivan. Some of the pics of the Holt look as if they are from the Russian Civil War. And I think I can see a Stahlhelm in one of them (picture 7). Holts captured from A-H perhaps, or handed over after the War?
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
Those are very interesting, Ivan. Some of the pics of the Holt look as if they are from the Russian Civil War. And I think I can see a Stahlhelm in one of them (picture 7). Holts captured from A-H perhaps, or handed over after the War?
First Holt-Caterpillar comming to Russia 1913 - have 1st Price in IV International automobile exhibition St. Petersburg 1913. In 1WW was in Russia many tractors! 1 october 1916 was in Russian Imperial Army all tractors:
Later come also many next tractors: Lombard, Ruston, Clayton, Allis-Chalmers, Holt-Caterpillar and others from UK and USA.
On the pictures open are NO ONE Holt-Caterpillar, this are Ruston-Holt (licenz from Holt)!!! This tractors comming many 1917-1919. Here also Rustons 1917-1919.
-- Edited by Ivan on Friday 31st of July 2009 09:19:36 PM
Those are very interesting, Ivan. Some of the pics of the Holt look as if they are from the Russian Civil War. And I think I can see a Stahlhelm in one of them (picture 7). Holts captured from A-H perhaps, or handed over after the War?
The soldier in german Stahlhelm is a Red army soldier - South Russia, 1919. Tractor is Clayton, captured from White army.
-- Edited by Ivan on Saturday 1st of August 2009 01:33:14 PM
Hi, Ivan. Thank you very much for the information. Fascinating.
Further research reveals that the magazine with the very straightforward name Old Tractors has an article in the June 2009 issue entitled RUSTON-HOLT: The tractor from Lincolnshire that mechanised the armies of Russia. It seems to have been a Holt in all respects but with a Ruston-Hornsby Engine. And in 2005 a survivor was found in Australia.
I was also surprised to read elsewhere that "442 Holt 75s were built at the Lincoln, England, plant of Ruston & Hornsby". I had always been under the impression that all 75s were imported from the USA.
There is always more to learn.
Hello Tim, by the way. Where have you been?
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
I have no schema from Clayton - the photos only (all from Civil war in Russia and from Clayton catalogue). Armoured Clayton: 1) from Rewelski work (Noworossijsk). 2. from Neff-Wilde work (Noworossijsk) with great canon. All 1919.