It's from broshure of IV International automobile exhibition St. Petersburg. Russo-Baltique D 24/40 HP fire engine, only one built for fire brigade of Riga. 1914 it was rebuilt as ambulance-car and go to North front in service of Russian Imperial army.
I have all pictures of all cars and trucks of Russo-Baltic waggon-work in big format, also armoured cars BAKs. Russo-Baltique built 1909-1915 in Riga and 1915-1918 632 cars and trucks.
Well, when I say "new", I mean I presume not many people have seen it before. P.S, you know how its on show in Riga, have you seen it? cheers.
In museum of Riga is the same car, now "half-replica", rebuilt in 80-years, very primitiv with not all autentic parts. Chassis, radiator and gear-box original. Radiator-figur (Eagle) is no correct! Engine is old - unknown, back axle from old Berliet. Body is replica.
From all Russo-Balt cars now only one is foul original - Type K 12/20 open passenger car (torpedo) in Polytechnic-museum in Moscow.
yes, the eagle did look kind of ,err, unauthentic(?). But it, like most preserved vehicles, has new paintwork. P.S, when I was doing a school essay on Russo-Balt, I found a fantastic picture of the inside of the Factory in Riga, in working order, but I can't find it :(