History of public bus services in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic
Peter Hoffman
The first part of the History of the State sedmisvazkových bus contains basic information about histiorii of SAA in Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia. It covers the first tentative steps as Austria, which began to systematically develop this service.
The first part of the book describes the first pioneering lines and legislative action that gave rise to the concept of creating a single bus, deals with the regulations, orders and different regulation, tariffs, the establishment of timetables, as well as technical issues including bus design post repair material and security service. Also mentions the public bus transport in Hungary, but also non-state bus routes and freight transport. The second part deals with the history of the development of public bus service and various regional administrations in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. The conclusion of the book is devoted to information about license plates, a chronology of the history of bus transportation and Czechoslovakia before the vyvtlivkám terms.
The publication is accompanied by a large number of old photographs, copies of laws, regulations and reports, spreadsheets and reports some timetables.
Bound, A4, 252 pages, 313 photographs and 16 tables