I am looking for information on Fiat 1/2 ton trucks used in Russia during WW I. This is the sort of vehical that was used to transport the bodies of Tsar Nicholas II and family after they were murdered by the cheka (Soviet secret police) to the burial sites. I understand the bed was 6 ft by 10 ft. Photos, plans other information would be welcome.
I understand that there were few italian made vehicals in Russia pre WW I. as for Fiat they made 3300 vehicals annualy pre WW I and 70,862 during 1915-18. i have also reads of Fiat ikorsky, american Fiat, and Armstrong-whitworth Fiat. in the book "Armored Units of the Russian Civil war" by osprey. were fiats produced under license in Russia during this period?
This is the first posting by me one this site. i am a long time model builder and history guy. thanks in advance.