On a Belgian Forum of WW1 (see above) I found this picture of a wagon charged with a" balloon like" thing on it. Picture is taken in Ostend on 02 Sep 1915. Article concerns the RIR 236 (Army Reserve, stationed in Lichtervelde). I think it is not sure that the wagon belongs to this Unit and that it is used possible by the MarineKorps Flandern. What could be under the hood?
First I thought it can be a "weather balloon" but looking at the stormy weather I don't think it would be usuable that time. Could it be a searchlight or maybe a small canon/gun? Your opnion please.
Everyone is corrret; your foto is of a 150cm Scheinwerfer. It is mounted on a purpose built carrier with self-contained generator/battery. Bothe Zeebrugge & Ostend were supplied with these vehicles; in addition to the more numerous 60cm types.
Some more info on the searchlight wagon pic.... this comes from an old album entitled " Flanders - reserve I.R. 236 5. Company" the picture is titled simply "Ostend" there are several other pics of the waterfront and beach that go with this, the company was apparantly stationed at a place called "Lichtervelde" the date may be around early summer 1915.... sorry I dont know the name of the photographer...... except two photos refer to Henning and Herman.....
Edit: I believe Henning may be refering to a place in Ostend... I should have read the post again first but I dont think it has anything to do with IR236 directly probarbly just some of the boys sightseeing, there are several hundred pics in the album and they moved round quite a bit...
-- Edited by Ironsides on Thursday 11th of July 2013 03:30:19 PM