The tank is a Renault FT - BS (standing for 'Blockhouse-Schneider') with the short 75mm gun by Schneider-Creuzot.
Here a picture from the breech:
with Falling Block up but loading tray down (normally impossible). The loading and gun-laying job must have been very cumbersome in this relatively small and narrow turret (Tourelle).
Here another view of gun dismounted:
and the pertaining ammo:
In front of the left idler sprocket you'll find a dimounted Schneider Blockhouse 75mm gun in comparison to the tank scale>:
-- Edited by Luger on Wednesday 16th of March 2016 08:07:03 PM
Fouhd out some additional info on this french site (will translate):
Longueur en calibres : 9,5 (rifled barrel length: ,9,5 calibers)
Poids total du matériel : 210 kg (overall weight 210 kgs)
Poids du projectile : 5,135 kg (500 g. pour le 37) (weight of prjectile 5135 grams while 5 kgs in 37 mm [which cannot be true]
Portée : 2100 m (max. range 2100 m)
Vitesse initiale : 200 m/s (muzzle velocity: 200 m/sec)
Hausse de combat en tir direct : 180 m (tir de plein fouet) (max. range for direct hits 180m in vertical plating)
Pointage en site : -20 + 20° (elevation -20° to +20°)
Pointage en azimut : 20° (soit 10° de part et d’autre, 360° par ripage des chenilles) (traverse 10° to either side, 360° manageable with the tracks allone) Freins récupérateurs (recuperator brakes
Culasse à coin horizontale (horizontal pointing only )
D’après les anciens on pouvait suivre l’obus sur sa trajectoire à l’œil nu, je n’ai pas les abaques mais à 2000 m la vitesse restante devait être de l’ordre de 100 m/s. Donc on peut retenir : Because the old chums could follow trajectory with bare eyes, final speed of projectile ist said to be around 100m/sec at 2000m. Therefore remember: Portée en tir direct : 180 m (longest range for direct hit 180 m)
Portée en tir courbe (indirect) : 2100 m (shooting with indirect pointing of gun 2100m)
Hope to have served in solving a puzzling little problem,
-- Edited by Luger on Wednesday 16th of March 2016 11:11:01 PM