If you go to https://blogs.loc.gov/now-see-here/2016/11/0n-the-firing-line-with-the-germans-1915 and you will see a US made documentary made in 1915 which deals with 1915 Germany on the home front and the war in the East that has recently been recovered and restored. it has plenty of film clips of transport. Some staged battle scenes and film clips of the German home front and the war in the east with Von Hindenberg.
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
I should have pointed out that I found this on the Great war Forum. I had one devil of a time watching it. The film kept stopping and sticking it took me about 2 1/2 hours to watch 1 hr 32 min of it when it stuck and wouldn't go on.