What kind of anti-tank obstacles were used by germans in 1918? I know one of these was a concret-made prism filled of steel rails. Does anyone have any pic or info? And what about other kind of barricades?
Greetings from Spain
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Steel posts or rails driven vertically into the ground Steel posts or rails driven into the ground at approx 45 degrees, some times with the ends pointed Both of the above set in concrete Simple concrete blocks, sometimes positioned so as to funnel tanks towards anti tank guns Covered pits, sometimes water filled Shaped concrete interlocking units sometimes called dragon's teeth Simple anti tank ditches (wide trenches) Complex anti tank ditches (eg one side gently sloping leading to a vertical side - rather like a ha-ha in a English stately home garden but bigger - a ho-ho?)
Obstacles were sometimes used in conjunction with anti tank mines (funneling the tanks into the mine field) and possibly IRDs
I have some photos of some of these will scan and post 2nite
Photo one shows German 45 degree AT barrier Photo two shows German steel posts embedded upright The drawing is of defences on the Ostend sea front - the Germans got a whiff of Operation Hush but the wrong planned landing site. There is some evidence that this may have been the result of some RN planting of duff info. Despite the detail on the drawing the spikes were steel not wood.