I have a serious problem :). I dont know how to spell a name of one tank, there are many sources and many variants: Oberschlesien / Oberschleisen / Oberschliesen Do you know which is the right one? (Oberschlesien sound best, I think.. Its a part of Germany)
Hello Bodlosh This seems to happen all the time, some historians do not take the time to check, and re- check there sources, or double check for grammatical eras. It happens to all of us at one point or the other. The correct term isOberschlesien
It was after Polish occupation of Tesin, Oravsko and Spissko on 31 October 1918. Finally Tesin was divided between Poland and Czechoslovakia (after international arbitration), Oravsko and Spissko are today parts of Slovakia...
A relevant fact to this forum was that a British Tank force was part of the international 'arbitration'. Using Mk Vs in conjunction with some very efective use of railways and rapid entraining? disentraining they managed to intervene at various Polish/German hot spots.