I am on the moment restoring a German Traction Engine known as the KEMNA EM type. Our engine was build by Haubold in Chemnitz, but other makers buit the same engine, all to the original design of Julius Kemna. It is for sure that these traction engines were used for heavy haulage, like guns etc. Does anyone have some information on the use of these engines ? In case you would like to know more about the restoration, please visit www.stoomwerktuigen.nl
Thank you for your help
Global Steam Works Jan van de Veen The Netherlands
I think that the picure of the traction engine taking on water dates from about 1911. I have other photos of this and when the blasted image attachment software allows I'll post (currently I just can't get it to take anything!)
Thank you for your reply and the images attached. The one image with a great number of traction engines in a yard probably dates form early 1919. These engines were sold for commercial use in Germay as well as abroad. We bought our engine in Letvia were it had spent all of his working life on a large farm. I was wandering whether documentation ever was published on the subject.
For all you artillery buffs out there, underneath the tarpaulin in the fourth photo is a 30,5cm Küstenmörser, also known as the Beta-Gerät. If I remember correctly, the first 2 (out of 4) batteries were made mobile for road traction just prior to the war. Later in the war, the second 2 batteries were also made mobile in the same way.