Here's a French-flavoured Ford T, an AFS ambulance. It's not as accurate an as complete as I've wanted, but I had to make quite a few improvements from what the basic kit gives you.
thank you alfisherjr and Eric! The colour is Humbrol, I can't recall which blue it was. Anyway, I thinned it, smudged with watercolour and pastels and my grubby fingers, so it doesn't resemble how it was painted at first.
Thanks for the comments Mark, Paul and Tim! Yes, I would like to add a driver figure out there, if only to show how small were these ambulances. When you think that these small ambulances carried a driver, probably an orderly, and three (very) lying wounded or four (less) seated wounded soldiers in the cab, in shell torn, muddy roads, you can only wonder how terrible must have been the trip from the front line dressing station to the hospital.
What an excellent and very delicate model! I've built that model, and know its limitations. Well done!!! Aaaaaw - I want to have more modelling time...
Took me good part of this year to build it, Peter... and I didn't put in it all the detail I should have! The interior, however, cried for some sort of detailing. A good thing would be building three or four of these and make a convoy, as they usually moved around.