My questions is could anyone help with references and colour profiles of specific Whippets, (Serial numbers - tank name - unit number) anything that you think may help.
If you could recommend a book, article or web site anything really.
I do have details on some machines but would be really interested in finding details of the Whippets sent to Japan or those that took part in the action at Villers-Brettoneux.
There are colour plates of a Whippet in the old AFV Profile 7 "Medium Tanks Marks A-D" by Chris Ellis and Peter Chamberlain, but that's of one that served with 17th Battalion in Dublin in 1919.
There is a photo of a Medium A Whippet in service with the Japanese Army in the same authors' "Pictorial History of Tanks of the World 1915-45". The serial numbers of the Japanese Whippets were 370, 386, 390 and 391.
There are other interesting colour schemes for Medium As such as those used in Russia.