One thing leads to another. Amongst the pics on the flickr site are several US bikes, possibly Northover/Harley-Davidson, but armed with the Benet-Mercier mg.
That armoured tricycle is there again, as discussed here:
Vilkata thought it was French, Centurion claimed it was British, but, as von Josephu and Vilkata point out, there's a trilingual caption on the postcard that says it's "an armoured French motor tricycle employed succesfully for reconaissance, mainly on narrow roads".
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of the tricycle, David Fletcher says, in War Cars (p60) "Although it is thought to be British its parentage is unknown and its practical value highly suspect."
of the Machine Gun Corps, I now don't know where the 'Douglas' crept in! The most widely used motorcycle was the Clyno 6hp V-twin. The sidecar mounted a Vickers machine gun on either of two mountings (front or rear). There is a photo (in War Cars, p56) of the Machine Gun Corps using Royal Enfield motorcycles.
The RNAS used Premier motorcycle sidecar combinations. AC Autocar supplied motortricycles. Scott provided some motorcycle sidecar combinations. T E Lawrence rode Brough motorcycles. And the flickr album clearly shows that some bikes were made by Ariel.
But probably the Vickers Clyno combination most widespread and reliable in Motorcycle Machine Gun Corps.
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