Contemporary photos of the Fowler tractor show a darker colour for the wheels and running gear. I found a photo of a surviving British Army tractor from 1907 finished in grey and black, so that's the colour scheme I went with. The hubs appearred to be a lighter metallic finish, and all the surviving Fowler tractors appear to have brass hubs, so I went with that for the hubs. Some Gunze Sangyo metallizer was rubbed onto the rims to simulate wear.
Not a problem, and I hope people find it useful. As a side note, I took it to a local model show the weekend before last, and it did generate some interest, and a couple of "Is that real?" comments. The only catigories in 1/35 armour were "WW2" smd "Modern', so it ended up with the Panzers and the Shermans, where it made an interesting contrast.
Richard, I agree with You on that. Sadly WW1 & parallel areas of modeliing interest had been badly neglected up to now. We 1/35 followers in this topics can not unterstand how long-living westwern and eastern model makes , ignores the very event of WW1 for example.No tanks, no figures, no is like WW1, Red Revolution, interwar episodes,Crimea or whatever didn´t exist.!!!!!???? Ah... and they say we scratchbuilders are nuts! ALL THE BEST, EDUARDO