I've seen some nice images . . . both of the real thing and models . . . of Mobile Machince Gun Section (M.M.G.S) Model-T Fords with a Vickers (?) MG mounted on the left side of the dashboard. Were these in regular service, and if so, where were they deployed and what was their record? They are not to be confused with Ford light patrol cars with Lewis mgs as used in the desert, but rather vehicles that might've served on the Western Front.
I've seen a photo of the 'Truck 8/10cwt Machine Gun (Ford T) in a British setting but in fact these vehicle were not built for service on the WF but were intended for Meopotamia. They are different from the Ford light patrol cars being built on the basis of the truck body and I suspect that this is what the images and models you have seen represent. Napier also built an mg armed 10cwt truck but unlike the Fords I don't think more than one or two were built.