Thought it would be of interest to some members to see these photos of two replica WW1 Tanks in the UK which i've seen in the past year
This is the 'Flyboys' Tank, which was modified after spending a loooong time outside at the East England Military Museum (rain�+ wood = bad!), including the fitting of a left hand Male sponson and painting in British colours for part of a trench diorama which I worked in at an event for English Heritage
That may or may not be me with the yellow flashes on my arm using a trench mirror fixed to the bayonet on my SMLE
The following show a working replica which is correct in most aspects, but the most obvious fault is the fact the length is 2/3 the original size (it was built for use on a stage so had to be light), which makes it look like�a caricature!
The working replica which had been seen in previous years has been sold to a member of the royalty in the Middle East (I believe Jordan, who is also reputedly having four Rolls Royce AC replicas made!)