Hi there guys. Anyone built one of these kits? I can find them for sale online, no problem, but absolutely no information about them re: accuracy, detail level, breakdown of parts, etc. Can anyone help me fill in the blanks here? Many thanks.
daer Achtungpanzer: Panzershop-i-store .iI know owner this firm .Let me have a squint at it. I have Firm CZ KOLINEC with Panzershop-i-store. Send your e.meil..........main e-meil vasek.jilek@seznam.cz
I have only seen the one model, the Panzershop MK I Female and I'm sorry to say that it was, by % mostly Emhar's offering, simply done in resin instead of plastic. However, there was a large enough original resin component to make it reasonable, ie the tail wheel, individual track links etc. IMHO, it would be best sold as a convrsion to add to the Emhar kit, not as a whole resin kit. Hope this helps somewhat.