Has anyone any idea of where I could get hold of some scale plans of the above.There is a side elevation in Landships of Lincoln which is excellent but no scale is mentioned.
Great news,many thanks. The reason for the request is that I have the masters for the Foster Daimler tractor by Ian (they are very good) and we both realise that there are parts that can be used for the trench crosser.
The drawings appeared in issues of "Tankette". I will try to locate them in my archive, but it may take a few days. It seems that Mr. Harley is still contributing to that publication, so it may be possible to contact him for further information.
Hi Barry, Have gotten on to a friend of mine, Paul Middleton who is the branch co-ordinater for MAFVA to see if he can help in getting hold of an E-mail address for Dick, will let you know as soon as I hear anything from him.
As far as I can make out, the chains were instrumental in the method by which the "trestles"" were laid in place and then, once the vehicle had passed over the trench, retreived. Looking at the first drawing (above posting) shows them in the "emplaced" position, the second shows them "retracted" (or "in transit") just how effective it was is anyones guess.