I just get a couple of the latest WWI artillery pieces from Hät, namely the 4.5 inch QF Howitzer and the Austro-Hungarian 7.5cm Gebirgskanone M.15. The kits are simple and look pretty nice. Of course they cry for detailing, but isn't it where the modelling pleasure stays ?
My question is quite simple : what are your recommended colours schemes for these guns ? I plan to build a couple of QF as seen on the Cambrai front, and around Ieper... Did the colours changed during the war years ? Did these guns wore any camo ?
The same question applies from the AH M.15, i.e. same colours when in use on the Italian front, and when in german army use ?
I took a look at the pics of the various guns preserved in musea, but I'm always suspicious about the authenticity of the displayed schemes...
Thanx, Chris.
"We're forgetting-machines. Men are things that think a little but chiefly forget. That's what we are." - Henri Barbusse, "Under Fire" (1916).