Can't find it now, but a while ago I raised the question of where the Holts used by A-H on the Western Front came from, since there didn't seem to be any reference to the KuK actually buying any. A possible answer was that they came from the fabled Holt factory in Budapest, the existence of which can be established by consulting Google. We are all familiar with the line, "Holt tractors built under license in Austria."
Max Hundleby says,
"It had been agreed that the following manufacturers would make component parts: . . . Caterpillar-Holt (Budapest) . . . tracks."
"Although the Austrian Caterpillar-Holt tractor had been quickly purchased and another modern Caterpillar vehicle located and seized in Germany, Vollmer could not successfully imitate the track. Thus, it was necessary to involve the firm of Caterpillar-Holt."
However, the very kind archivist at caterpillar has provided the following information:
There was no Holt factory, assembly plant, or any other facility in Budapest between 1892 and 1925. Leo Steiner bought two Holt tractors and was so impressed that in 1912 he demonstrated one for the Army. Although the idea interested them greatly they did not buy any. Steiner came to an agreement with Holt to act as agent in A-H and the German regions. The Army asked Steiner to look into the possibility of manufacturing Holts in Austria, to which Holt agreed in principle. However, the War broke out before anything was finalized. Holt not only dropped the idea of a factory but also terminated the relationship with Steiner. He ended up broke. But by that time several hundred Caterpillar-style track-type tractors were in the region and they were confiscated for use by the military (as Max H states). However, MH also says that, before the War, "the Austrians adopted the tracked tractors as prime movers for their heavy guns," but that doesn't seem to be the case.
So this raises the question of where the running gear for the A7V and Uberlandwagen came from. If there was no Holt factory, then either Vollmer found someone to make copies or, just possibly, there were enough commandeered Holts to cannibalize.
Feel free to argue/demolish.
-- Edited by James H on Friday 4th of November 2011 02:03:55 PM
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
Can't find it now, but a while ago I raised the question of where the Holts used by A-H on the Western Front came from, since there didn't seem to be any reference to the KuK actually buying any. A possible answer was that they came from the fabled Holt factory in Budapest
Ta, Pat. I was also thinking of this one, in which Jack says there was a Holt factory in Vienna. I've asked him to respond, to see if we can get to the bottom of this.
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
Well, the first machine inspected by Vollmer and his engineers had been supplied by Caterpillar-Holt, Budapest, who also detached an engineer/mechanic to operate and explain the design. - Only later was another Caterpillar machine located in Germany.
And for the tracks, the Germans had to turn to Caterpillar-Holt, Budapest, for help when they encountered problems in constructing them. - Later Vollmer would write that the cast steel US American tracks had to be replaced by ones made from forged steel, but doesn't say who produced the latter ones.
The famous 'producer list' says that Caterpillar-Holt, Budapest, was responsible for producing/furnishing the tracks. However, we've already found other producers named in this list not really involved in A7V production...
Thus, from the German sources a clear answer will not come forward.
But the Caterpillar archivist is adamant that there was no factory in Budapest.
Just discovered this in the Tankograd book on the A7V:
"In copying the Caterpillar Holt tractor design too closely, German engineers had failed to lift the track's front wheel sufficiently off the ground."
This rather conflicts with the claim in the first book for the involvement of the supposed Budapest factory because the design couldn't be copied locally.
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
No conflict there, the problem was not copying the running gear. This was done using steel profiles commercially available in Germany. - The problem was producing the tracks, and for this they turned to Caterpillar-Holt. Whether Budapest supplied tracks - or only good advice - isn't clear.
Vollmer's remark about swapping the US American tracks for forged steel ones may only refer to the prototype vehicle. And who was responsible for supplying the forged steel tracks remains completely obscure - if one decides to ignore the 'producer list'.
The very kind lady at Caterpillar has supplied further information that indicates that Budapest couldn't have supplied either tracks or advice, because there was no Holt factory there:
"I have not seen any documentation about a Holt factory operation in Vienna (or anywhere else outside the U.S.) or official Austro-Hungarian Army connections. Steiner was our dealer representative in the area and he makes no mention of such an occurrence in his detailed memoirs. If such action had taken place, Steiner would have been well positioned to know details of this arrangement and would have included it in his memoirs. We also have no documentation in our legal records about such a factory and there is no mention of it in newspaper accounts about the Holt organization at that time. Instead, I would say that someone misinterpreted the events that transpired - 1) that the Holts authorized Steiner as a dealer; 2) that Steiner demonstrated our machines to public and military customers; 3) and that when the war broke out and the Holts disengaged from selling our tractors in that region, the Austrian-Hungarian military organization confiscated all Caterpillar track-type tractors in that region and made their own attempts to design and manufacture tractors of the Holt design."
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.