To prove to myself and everyone else I have at last got down to modelling my LR project.I am going to do a series of dio's . Here is the beginings of the first.
Thanks,the scale is 4mm=1ft. This is a railway modelling gauge,with narrow gauge it is called 009.00 the scale and 9 for 9mm between the track.It equates to something between 1:72 and 1:76.
I was inspired by one of the photos in the Plateway Press Narrow Gauge at War series. The trestle bridge was widely used by the engineers.If you want I will put some pics on this thread of the real thing.
I am very pleased to see you getting enjoyment out of your product Mr Baldwin. I so often hear from wargamers who run compaies supplying to wargamers that they no longer enjoy their hobby.