Hi there, was just wondering if anyone had any photos etc of the Ford Model T in WW1, apart from the ambulance version. To be exact i'm looking for photos of the truck version, also known as the Ford Model T truck or Ford Model TT, introduced in 1917. I've read about large quantities of these used by the British and US Armies, but never seen any photos. Any other variant of the Model T in WW1 are also appreciated, seen plenty of Model T ambulance photos but not of any other variant.
This is a really great article; the ford can be painted in white as an ambulance of standard khaki. (IF any one would like this article, I can scan and attach it, or email it to them, just ask)
I hope this helps a little, I will keep looking through my stuff, I seem to remember a book I had about the Ford during WW1, and I will try to find it for you.
Cheers very much, very helpful. Any other info or photos appreciated, also if you remember the name of the Ford at war book i'd be interested in trying to find a copy myself
I was reading last night and I came across this passage in Osprey's Armored Units of the Russian Civil War: Page 10
(These gray painted vehicles were improvised mobile fire platforms consisting of three quarter ton American Ford light trucks, hastily constructed flatbed, with timber defenses and three machine guns)
Thanks, i've ordered a few of the Jordan 1/87 Ford Model T kits from the USA (can't get them over here in the UK) and plan to modify them, if my first modified kits turn out well (first is converting the cab on a TT truck to a more British one), I hope to buy more and convert them into Model T armoured cars etc.