David Fletcher MBE of the Tank Museum is retiring. Interestingly the article mentions a Haynes Manual is to be produced by him regarding the Mk IV Tank
I have, and have flicked through a copy but doesn't give any particularly useful information, hopefully the Mk IV manual will include information on driving, firing the weaponry etc etc
Damn, what a shame David is retiring, he's always been not only an oustanding historian of tank history but also unfailingly, generously helpful to anyone who even so much as fancied the smallest furtle round the Tank Museum's archives. He will be sorely missed as, I suspect, he belonged to a rather Old School type of archivist. However, he certainly deserves a good rest, though I hope he continues his tank work in his retirement!
David has been a wonderful mentor to me over the years. First met him when I was in my twenties when I and a group of tank friends visited the museum. He asked us whether anyone fancied doing a spot of research into the somewhat mysterious Amphibious Tank 1, or AT1, as both we and the AT1 had Cardiff connections. I did, and after succeeding in tracking down a chap who built it, another who guarded it and a third who helped design it the research bug bit deep and has never left me. He posed me a few more problems after that - some still unsolved. As others have said he is incredibly knowledgeable and generous and I wish him a long and happy retirement. He'll be very hard to replace.
As a Friend of Bov'y and exforces who serviced at Bov'y in the early 80's, and spent many a happy hour in the museum and came across Mr Fletcher a few times as I was walking around. As Gwyn has said he will be very hard to replace and sorely missed.
" Following the success of the Haynes published Tiger Tank - Owners Workshop Manual he co-authored, he is presently working on another collaboration to produce a manual for the British Mark IV tank." A quote from the Museums web page regarding his retirement. Paul
The finest stories of the Great War are those that will never be told.