I am working on some 1:35 emhar marks and i would like to improve their look. With the recent news of better kits i dont feel the need to go too far on details but i should finish these before buying yet more kits for the undone pile. On prototype rhomboid tanks is there a guide that runs between the small metal plates (they are shaped like rifle stocks) that prevents the track from sagging? Elevated tanks don't seem so show eny sag. my friulmodel instructions provide only for a 3/4" long guide forward of the cab on the return run. I assume the rest of the section or "sez" drawings on the instruction sheet provide for the proper bolstering and centering or their track on the emhar kit.
To prevent the track sagging and falling off when crossing trench, the track links had a lip on them that ran along an 'L' Beam that went along the inside between the two removable plates you mention.
Does anybody know why the Little Willie tracks had a hole in them?
The only thing I can think of is for easier transportation within a factory by putting a hook through the hole and moving them that way instead of stacking.