Bought this book today - hardback, english, mint condition inc. map & map pocket - for £5 up the local chazza.
I had no idea at the time, but have found some web comments about it being a 'holy grail', and a glowing review by David Fletcher.
Almost didn't, but it struck me that with 2 Takom kits in the stash, and historical accuracy being paramount in modelling WW1 armour, that it might be a good idea if I did bag it.
Lots of photos I've not seen before and, even though I've only flicked through it so far, I was struck by just how many grousers some tanks had - every 3 links in some cases, instead of the wild, irregular spacing you often see.
I couldn't find a single instance of one for sale on the web, even using specialist search sites, so I've no idea what the monetary worth of this book is on the open market.
If you are looking for particular information, by all means ask and I'll see what the book has on it.
"You there on the port!". "S'gin actually, but thanks for noticing [hic]".
You were very lucky, this book is very hard to find and usually very expensive. I payed a lot for it, but it's well worth the money, surely the most detailed book on the fate of the tanks during the battle of Cambrai. Lots of fascinating stories, for example look at page 62, I haven't found the story of gunner Francis in any other publication. More on this:
In discussions with Philippe last year, he confirmed that he has commenced an updated version, as errors have been found and the amount of info on the net has increased massively in the last few decades since he started his research.
In discussions with Philippe last year, he confirmed that he has commenced an updated version, as errors have been found and the amount of info on the net has increased massively in the last few decades since he started his research. Tony
Great news! I guess we can expect the updated version for 100th anniversary of the battle of Cambrai.
Now it's probably too early, but maybe there will be some information about the updated book on this site, when it will be almost ready: For now, you can always send an e-mail to Philippe Gorczynski:
In discussions with Philippe last year, he confirmed that he has commenced an updated version, as errors have been found and the amount of info on the net has increased massively in the last few decades since he started his research. Tony
For those who cannot wait, reports that one copy was available from at "only" $871.82 some 68 months ago!! Keep looking - there must be some out there, in fact, for that price you can have my copy - post free!