Hello, I will look some stuff up for you, I have a good collection of German, Italian and Austrian Artillerie zug photos, and drawings, Give me a few days to go through my files.
All the Best
Tim R
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero 106-43BC
Hi again, in fact the images you attached are excellent, no need to resent the originals...needles to say from a scratchbuilder to other, are really a efficient bassis building, may be the general dimensions are the detail necessary to start working as soon my current project is finished...
Besides, I posted a suggestion for the rivets question you SUBMITTED SOME TIME AGO, hope it would be useful.
dear Tim! You have provided me with higly valuable material, so I could say I have no problems for starting as well as my current project is finished. I greatly appreciate your colaboration, besides I would like you to congratulate you on your models I have seen on the gallery. Indeed we both seem to share the same taste for "uncommon" military machines! The Railway GUN shocked me...Is this a scratch?
Thank you, and yes it is scratch, all the models you see in my gallery is scratch, It took me about 6 months to build the rail gun, I have also started the paris gun in 1/32 scale, I have only got the base finished, and I have started on the main body. I figure it will take about 6 to 8 more months.Any way take care, if you need any thing futher let me no.
All the Best
Tim R
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero 106-43BC
Im very interestet in your discussion about M 17. One question to one of Tims attachments (AD2.JPG): Where did you find this plan? It differs in some details (i.e. chassis frame) from the original factory sketch, but it seems to catch the original shape of the vehicle much better.
P.S. It may be of interest for you, that there is an profile available of that tractor at http://www.doppeladler.com/themodeller/literatur/index.htm
Greetings Peter
"Siplicity is the ultimate sophistication" -Leonardo Da Vinci-