Is there an illustration of the markings carried by Musical Box on its romp thru German rear areas? In the absence of artwork or verbal descriptions, would it be reasonable to assume RAC flashes on the front of the track frames and upper bow plate and the name below the bow flash? Would it have carried other markings or numbers?
Don't know if you've already seen this photo of "Musical Box" but it's the only one I know of. It has the flashes on the track frames but apparently not on the upper bow plate (the angle makes it hard to tell for certain). This photo was taken well after the action it was famous for.
I had not seen this photo. Thanks! I can make out "Musical Box" in rahter crude lettering on the lower right bow plate, but I can't tell what the rest of it is. One mark looks a bit like a large treble clef, which would be appropriate.
The other markings look very much like musical notes. I can make out the first two notes as being quavers (8th notes) with the head below the stem and 1 beam joined pair of crotchets. The rest is obscured except the last note which is a crotchet again but with the stem below the head.
By the appearance of the markings, they may have been done in chalk or thin paint and it has rubbed or flaked off, as well as having mud and grime on them.