The A7V “Nixe II” and others A7Vs were camouflaged in the spring of 1918 with spots color Rotbraun and Lehmgelb painted over the Feldgrau coating. In these pictures (taken after its capture) it seems the command cupola is not camouflaged. Can anyone tell me if the roof (and the cupola) was camouflaged or not?
Central workshop (B.A.K.P. 20) did apply camouflage paint to turret sides and roof tops. However: turrets had to be disassembled for rail transport and reassembled after arrival. So, turret plates were exposed to a lot of additional wear and tear - and we know that the camouflage colours used were not of pristine quality. In addition, roof tops were prone to attract dust - and thus tend to look monochrome in photographs. We even have pictures of whole tanks, of which we know they were camouflaged all over, that look as if they were unicoloured because they are covered with dust.
Both - the original armour plates and the add-on armour - got their share of camouflage paint. This mayhave happened at different times and with differing colours though. The add-on parts were cut from the plates formerly covering the running gear; so, they may already have been covered by camouflage paint before being fixed to the turrets.