Managed to get there. It seems to be maintained by a Serbian gent who has lived in Corfu for many years. Admission free. My memsahib speaks a few words of Serbo-Croat, so that got him on our side. Four rooms over two floors, telling the story of the retreat to Corfu and Albania, the regrouping in Greece and eventual return with Allied forces. Lots of photos, some A/V, several excellent uniforms. Also some artifacts in glass cases. Some of the photos are pretty horricic - emaciated survivors, corpses being thrown overboard, children frozen to death, etc - a horrific episode.
Sorry, no reference as far as I could see of the Peugeot armoured cars - I think they were after the great retreat.
When I get time I'll upload some pics. Bear with me, as I always say. In the meantime, there's quite a bit on the Net.
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