Une conférence de Paul Malmassari sur l'origine des chars: "Pourquoi et comment?"
Paul Malmassari, auteur selon moi d'un des meilleurs livres sur les premiers chars français,a prononcé une conférence sur le sujet au Musée de la Grande Guerre de Meaux, juillet 2016.
Paul Malmassari, author of, in my opinion, one of the best books on the early French tanks, delivered a lecture on the topic at the Museum of the Great War at Meaux, July 2016.
-- Edited by James H on Sunday 26th of March 2023 05:54:48 PM
-- Edited by James H on Sunday 26th of March 2023 05:59:35 PM
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
it is funny to see a french, forgetting tank project from capitaine Levavasseur, in 1901.
The Schneider CA1, is not a copy from Holt 45 cv and the Saint Chamond is only a copy of the enlarge Holt 45 cv undercarriage, built by Charles Fouché.
We must stop saying that Schneider and Saint Chamond are both derivatives of the caterpillar Holt
The engineer Brillié, in his Schneider tank project, only used the principle of the rolling roller carriages of the Holt patent.
In August 1915, Captain Renaud's tracked armored car project, studied by Brillié, was already almost identical to what the Schneider tank would be in February 1916.
The Schneider Company had held the Holt patent since the beginning of 1915, the FAMH Company only took over the experti chassis of General Mourret's Automobile Technical Section.
Below, (sorry, but still in French), some comments on the Wikipedia pages concerning the Schneider and Saint Chamond tanks