Where might the serial number be positioned on an MG08? I have seen them on top just in front of the trigger, and I have seen them on a little stand-off tag to the right hand side. I have just tracked down this MG08 in Alliston, Ontario, but I couldn't see any numbers on it. It should have the number 822 on it somewhere.
It looks like there is a piece missing; on top, just in front of the trigger. I have the opportunity to go back and photograph the thing from all angles, but I am wondering where I should be looking.
No expert but it looks to me like the lock, feed block and feed cover are missing from the pictured MG. Full or partial serial numbers could be on any or all of those however other German weapons (famously the P08) - admittedly in later manufacture - had partial numbers on practically every visible surface (and a few other places as well) so I would not be giving up hope!