I'm trying to get some idea of the various anti tank measures taken by all sides. The enclosed is apparently a German anti tank gun of 1918. It seems very much overmanned. Any ideas as to what it is?
The pic is of an Austrian Mountain howitzer with splinter shield. In their never-ending search for strosstoop accompaning fire support, Germany bought several dozen of these systems in 1917. It was not a successful venture.
Yes, the Germans tried to use this Austro-Hungarian Mountain Gun as a AT gun, but it wasn't too successful, due to the low muzzle velocity of the gun. Check out more at:
The Germans used the K round (armour peircing rifle round), the 37mm anti-tank gun (great review and details on the landship page), landmines, and artillery peices.
The Germans used the K round (armour peircing rifle round), the 37mm anti-tank gun (great review and details on the landship page), landmines, and artillery peices.
And of course an anti tank rifle, including some on wheeled carriages (which would have helped with the ferocious recoil), some forms of AT grenades, flamethrowewrs, AT traps, lorry mounted guns. There were a number of varieties of land mines (some quite crude and others complex). Its actually more complex than many realise and I'm trying to build up a detailed picture.