WW1 Railways on 45MM track
Dear All, I am recently trying to model WW1 railway locomotives and rolling stock on 45 mm gauge track. the problem i have is i have no measurements for any of them. Can anybody help with drawings of all or at least some of the locomotives and rolling stock of WW1. If you can help please let me know. As i have...
Tracks to the Trenches - 2014 (WW1 Centenary Event)
Dear All, I am a volunteer member of a narrow gauge railway museum charity called the Moseley Railway Trust (http://www.mrt.org.uk), who operate the Apedale Valley Light Railway in North Staffordshire, UK As you are aware, 2014 will mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. Th...
WW1 tank centenary build.
I have been working on a WW1 tank cart for the carnivals based on the mark 1 design to mark the British invention of the tank. It has 3 speakers that will play engine sounds, 6 pounders gun sounds and vickers mg sounds. 300 lights and track moving light effects. Here are some photos of the progress so far. P...
British Tanks in Russian Civil War 1919
I'm a journalist researching the involvement of British tanks in 1919 action at Tsaritsyn (later Stalingrad, now Volgograd), particularly a detachment of Mark Vs and Whippets commanded by Major Ewen Bruce. I'd be grateful for any information or guidance. Thank You
Any good free book? (on all modern military stuff, not just ww1)
Hello everyone I wanted to expand my books/pdfs collection. Does anyone have any good free-to-read book to recommend? Possibly, in the following languages: English French Italian German Spanish And possibly on modern military subjects. Yes, not only WW1, but basically from the late 1800's to...